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Anyone know how to automatically create composite images?

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I created this composite image of a perpetrator who stole a $7,000 lawn tractor from a client's house. Obviously, since the image has been manipulated, it is not admissable evidence, but it was useful in looking for someone who recognized the person.


Question is, does anyone know of an easier way of creating this type of image rather than cut and paste in Photoshop?


These images are from a GE/Kalatel DVMRe. Unfortunately not clear enough to find the guilty party.




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1-Use the Snapshot feature on the WaveReader software, to create a Bitmap image of the video being played (still camera icon).


2-Use the monitor out to a VCR and record to Tape as you playback the video.


3-Same as above, but use a Capture card in a PC to get the raw video as a full non/slightly compressed AVI file.


4-They use to have really expensive video printers, you would use them on the monitor output as you play and freeze the image you want from the video coming off the DVR - i think one of the above options is much better though.

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Thanks, Rory, for your ideas.


Number 1 is actually what I did. I used Wavereader to create 10 bitmap images, but then I cut out the person from 9 of the images and pasted it onto the first image to get the effect of a single image with a person walking. That is what I was trying to do automatically - kind of like a 'multiple still frame - motion detect overlay'.


Anyway, now I will be replacing that driveway cam with a Pelco 35x Spectra to get a closer image - which will also be a more visible deterrent.


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the cameras in the wrong spot ! -its pointed at the grass

If it was on the path on the right you would have a nice head shot ?


never heard of composite shot "tool" its complex if it was a car you would not have space -its only used as an effect ?


You can overlay the images like a movie tho .



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Hey - you are right about the view being wrong! This camera is a low zoom temporary replacement because the original camera with a 22x lens focused on the end of the driveway choke point was out for maintenance.


I have a new Pelco Spectra 35x going in this weekend.

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Installed the new camera, but now I realize that the web interface only provides half of the resolution as the direct video interface on the GE DVMRe. You may be able to see the 'jaggies' on the paper delivery car and curb which do not exist on the direct attach monitor.


Rory, you know a lot about the DVMRe - any way to get full resolution from the PC client? I have the record and view quality settings at maximum. Using latest Wavereader 4.2.47.




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