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Help needed on Hitachi Hard Drive for Avtech 760

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Hi, does anybody has problem on Avtech 760 with Hitachi hard drive?


The problem now is we use Hitachi hard drive 7200rpm/8M 250GB for AVC760, but on the TV screen shows only 30.741GB for hard disk capacity, no matter how we formatted the hard disk using AVC760, the capacity was still the same. And the recorded data could only be traced back for two days, no recorded data was older than 3 days.


Does anyone has idea how set the jumper for the Hitachi hard drive for 16/32 cylinders?


Moreover, upgrading firmware will be helpful?


Any help will be very much appreciated.

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So far we never encounter prob in this way.

Check if your hitachi harddisk jumper is it set to limit to 32GB.

Hitachi ship their harddisk jamper default to using cable select.

We normally recommend switching it to master ensure compatibility with DVRs.

What you had most likely did was instead of changing the jumper to the master, you had put in the jumper at the "LIMIT DRIVE CAPICITY TO 32 GBYTES" position instead. Reconfirm that position and you'll get 80GB back again.

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It has to be a RAW Hdd fitted in the DVR. Causes probs if it has been formatted before...

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It has to be a RAW Hdd fitted in the DVR. Causes probs if it has been formatted before...

Not really. The DVR will just reformat it.

Actually quite dangerous... the DVR doesn't prompt to reformat the disk. So if you unplug the hdd to try to view from another DVR, and somehow it doesn't recognise it, it'll reformat the hdd, poof.... all your recorded data gone.

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So far we never encounter prob in this way.

Check if your hitachi harddisk jumper is it set to limit to 32GB.

Hitachi ship their harddisk jamper default to using cable select.

We normally recommend switching it to master ensure compatibility with DVRs.

What you had most likely did was instead of changing the jumper to the master, you had put in the jumper at the "LIMIT DRIVE CAPICITY TO 32 GBYTES" position instead. Reconfirm that position and you'll get 80GB back again.


Daryl733, thanks so much, I had solved the problem, it's hdd jumper setting problem, now the DVR could detect 227 GB, and it is considered normal.


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