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oh this woman was arrested and I am sure this will be a big shock to everyone, but she was found with possession of cocaine


I think the next stage would be going postal.


And the cameras I am not sure as we did not install them. we just replaced the dvr. I think neverfocus. cant you tell?

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do you know whats messed up though? is that in pulaski county which holds little rock north little rock, and benton (pretty much 3/4 the states population), if you dont committ a violent crime then the jail is closed. You get processed at the police department and released. So she was back on the streets in less than an hour.

Its been like that for 4 years now.

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LOL .. looks like how it is here .. but she would have been taken down right away for doing that.


I was standing outside a gas station at 4am one night (couple weeks ago) after dropping a clients PC off to them (the client was the manager) and talking to the manager and a guy came up to me and started pushing a cup in my face cussing me out and all (racial remarks also) .. he was basically looking for a fight and was obviously on crack, and maybe didnt like white people either .. when i knocked the cup out of his hand he kept coming at me trying to fight I had to back off and tell him come in the store - to take some control of the situation as there were others there and didnt know who was who and who had knives or guns - which he eventually did, and we locked the door and the secu grabbed him and asked him to apologize which he did, reluctantly .. Cops were called when it happened, but they never came anyway. I was 5 feet from my jeep full of weapons though, but they would have been a last resort, plus I was half asleep.

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rory did i hear you say that guns are illegal down there?


not to say i would not carry them either. Have you guys watched those videos about the police in new orleans taking everyones guns after katrina?? Man i would have been pissed. I think they should hold the mayor and superintendent criminally liable for that.

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Yeah basically, only available for high risk people, special licenses and hard to get (money helps though) and can get a license for pigeon shooting. People have guns but typically all the legal ones are only licensed for shooting pigeons in the out islands, yet they still use them for self defense (not me though) which really is illegal. Ofcourse all the criminals have them though.


Regular citizens though, we all got machetes and cutlasses .. anything we can get our hands on that wont end us up in prison.


I think it is something like 6 months each bullet found with an unlicensed gun, and something like 1 year for the gun, in what we call Fox Hell Prison.

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