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Posts posted by tomcctv

  1. Our miniature railway is situated in a country park, we are experiencing vandalism at our farthest away station and I need to put a CCTV system in. Most of the problems are at night. I have seen on a famous auction site a 1TB 4 channel HDD recorder (1Tb HDD 4 Channel H264 Digital Video Recorder 4 CCTV ) We have a heated Location cabinet, very large, very secure with mains power. We now have a steel 12 metre pole with access hatch. Can I just put this together with 2 Day night cams, PSUs and forget it till we need to look at images on a seperate laptop which won't be kept in the cabinet? I have fitted complete systems in the past but everyting was designed and delivered to customer spec so I didnt have to think about the different fittings and cables.

    Thanks in anticipation of an answer. Si, Midlands, UK



    Hi i would stay away from the auction sites. and also maplins if you want to use the footage in court in the uk.


    a good little unit is the avermedia EB3004 net http://www.avermedia.com/AVerDiGi/Product/Detail.aspx?id=252

    you can set the whole thing up with your laptop. for cameras i would look at the CNB range. with good mounting brackets.

  2. I looked into a few of the pay as you go plans like Tracfone and Net10, but they require a monthly fee to keep alive. A few years back I looked at a cell company that was true pay as you go, but I have lost the link to them. They are using the old cell electronics that no one uses anymore, so they can offer very cheap plans. I am going to try and find them again.


    I may try to put a map together, but it will have to wait until tomorrow because I am going to have to get to other business this evening.


    Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions.




    T-mobile . now has a pay as you go cctv data package. sim card

  3. also the forum can save you money. looking at your post (turn your VCR into motion) Convert an old VCR to a smart security recorder!


    sounds good on paper. now here it is from a engineers point of view. on a standard VCR from pressing the record button to your VCR recording can be 10 secs. by adding a Conversion Module will miss the footage.


    your camera detects the motion (someone crossing camera) your VCR activated by the module by the time the spools have spooled the tape and got upto speed to record the person will be away from your camera view hence nothing on tape. and that module is $150


    motion on cameras is a pain you will end up switching it off.


    like soundy has said give as much info of your area that you can . do you have internet do you have good mobile reception.



    you want to catch the scum around your house. and members on here would love to also help you to do that.

    but you need something that works. like you said you want to call the police if anything happends but what you dont want to be is the guy who calls wolf and not having any police responce at all.



    if only someone would put this into production. (would be ideal for the end of your drive)

  4. Tom, this morning I got up and there was a deer 20 feet from the house eating my shrubs! So, they are not afraid of coming close to the house!


    The reason I want to detect intruders so far from my home is because my aunt has a cabin down our driveway and the damn criminals have been casing it all winter as told by their tracks in the snow. I want to catch them there. The cabin is only used for recreation so no one is home there. If they are stupid enough to try to break into my home while I am here then I hope they have made their amends with God. I have a big paranoid, angry dog that is a good watcher. I also have an old hard wired security system at home that I haven't used since I got the dog.



    Hi BruceC. this is the problem with trying to sort things out on a forum. you never said the property you wanted to protect was at the end of your drive. why not put the protection on the cabin along with your camera. a camera on your home looking 2000ft to the cabin cant be done on a low budget

  5. I share the same concerns as you about camera motion detection. I agree I would have to use masking to achieve best results and as you say that capability isn't always cheap in a stand alone camera. But, I have seen some reasonably priced software that will do masking, but then I am stuck with a PC running at night.


    I am still in research mode on cameras and may not get one for motion detection, but I am so impressed with the IP camera capabilities I would like to have one to play with.


    Thanks for mentioning the Optex beam detector. I will look into it further. I was looking at the FCC photos for the Optex unit and I noticed they do have an innovative antenna in their transmitter, so their claim of 2000 feet may be achievable.


    Thanks for your help.



    Hi BruceC. i would say looking at your requiments i would look at the smaller picture rarther than the bigger picture. just because your drive way is 2000ft does not mean you have to put your beams that far. i would use beams closer to your home this will also stop many restless nights with deer setting your beam off.


    form an invisible optex square around your home and you are protected from every direction and not just from your driveway

  6. I have read many of the threads on the forums and I fully recognise that we owe you guys for your good guidance and advice.


    From the UK but now living in the Canary Islands I find there is little/no choice of equipment. I travel to UK periodically so could purchase there if necessary.


    I want to avoid the obvious pitfalls of buying a unit that does not have backup support from the supplier or manufacturer and is well sorted. Having had a break-in recently I am keen to install quickly - but sensibly.


    Hope you can point me in the right direction for what you would choose for yourselves.


    Many thanks



    this is not a bad unit in your price range http://www.avermedia.com/AVerDiGi/Product/Detail.aspx?id=257


    and if you are thinking of adding ip at a later time . then this is just above your price. http://www.avermedia.com/AVerDiGi/Product/Detail.aspx?id=253


    both from the UK

  7. Wow, reading completely pwns these guys. Check this:


    Buddy of mine had a dead GV DVR out of a customer's site... he posted the card on eBay to sell it off (had no need of it)... GV flagged it as counterfeit (it IS legit!) and had the ad pulled and the account suspended.


    So he emailed them the serial number and a photo of the card with a request to straighten the matter out... their response:

    Dear Sir,


    From your eBay listed item, your namely GV series is counterfeited, however, your attached item is genuine product. Therefore, we suggest that you should purchase genuine product from our authorized distributor thereafter.


    You can contact sales@usavisionsys.com for more information.

    Best regards,

    GeoVision Legal Team


    Umm... what?


    Does anyone at GV comprehend English?




    You have to Congratulate GV for wanting to remove LEGIT and counterfeit cards from getting into anybodys hands

  8. I am merely attempting to assist by loaning a microphone for free and assuring it can be used effectively.


    Staying on thread, does anyone have any technical advice for ensuring recordings are in sync with the sound?



    from your link posted you are in the uk. like soundy said it is illegal to record sound in the uk if you are not licenced to do so. and you also need a licence to hide covert in a public space area. and with you asking on how to wire up a microphone and your friend also not knowing how tends to surgest that you have not done this before and so not licenced. your not doing it for money your lending your mic. you have lost nothing from the job so just walk away.



    and about signage. you say it might warn the offenders off. is that not what you want as an end result

  9. Hello,

    I'm looking for a standalone dvr for my home and the dahua looks pretty good to me. I want to interface it with a home automation server. Does anyone know if theres a sdk available?

    Also, where can I buy one in the states? all I see is China or India.



    PS if anyone has any other recommendations for a good dvr to interface with a HA server please advise.




    Hi you could try a guy on here called Bean00 pm him memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=17001



    and as far as the SDK rory have been working on the dahua

  10. I have a Maplin CCTV System, Sentient with a DVR. Its all operaitonal viewed via our LCD TV using the RGB connection. Working and recording for three weeks. We have recently connected to our home router and set up the view from PC and Mobile facility, two problems have occured. 1. when you try and accsess the DVR remotley from the pc or Lap Top is freezes the DVR and you need to re boot to get it workign again? Anyone experienced this? Any ideas? Also using the Blackberry ap, when you initiate the link it either times out or it drops the connection , our IT support confirms that its the sixe of the file its trying to download? It would be beneficial to get this working remotley, help anyone.................



    have you opend all the ports for the dvr on your router. what i would say is dont keep your system to long if it has problems.


    you can buy two ways from maplins .... new or B grade. which did you buy.

  11. Yes, I log in as admin



    Hi what ever you do you will still need the viewing software. you need to get a clean copy of DxClient software.

    remember with that dvr you would also need to give a copy of your footage along with a copy of DxClient software for anyone to watch your footage. that dvr does not export a player.

  12. Is it possible to have it seperate from the VPN, and have it on a web host or something?


    Sorry i'm a complete noob with CCTV at the moment.


    Thanks for helping.




    how many cameras are you looking at each location. you could just have all the same dvrs and a good CMS software.

  13. Can anyone advise how should I explain the cause to my customer who doesn't seem to understand that the cables may break due to constant flexing.



    There's probably not much that could be said at this point if you are the original installer and ran the cable. The burden and expense is on you to correct the problem in accordance to local code. If you didn't run these cables you need to tell the customer to contact who did and have them correct the problem. The issue is you are now liable if you ran the cables or try to modify what someone else did. Either way, you need to work with the elevator company and eat that expense of them ringing out a pair for you. Probably no justifiable way to pass this cost to the customer as this should have been charged up front in the proposal.


    Obviously there are ways to get around the problem in a less than professional manor. I'll leave that up to someone else to answer.





    I don't really understand why should we bear the expense since we did not provide any warranty on cabling works in our proposal earlier. I mean most local installers do not offer warranty on cabling. And the cabling has been done and it's been working since 6 months ago. Do you offer warranty in your area?





    is the warranty not on what you install . system / cables / monitors. cat5 has a work life

    longer than 6 months. so its not the cable its the way it has been installed ..... so its an installers problem.

  14. it sounds good on paper. but i think it would be a bad thing to do. companies dont just install cctv they have the other side .... service and repair which is also an income.


    engineers go though college or have spent money on trainning to get were they are. to give all that info away for nothing would not be right.


    its the same with giving out to much info on how to reset a system or how to reset a password. this info should never be given on on a open forum.


    giving out info about power units .... well it sounds simple but how do you know the person is capable of doing the job. doing any sort of electrical work has to come with a bit of electrical knowledge.

  15. :roll: Bought an avermedia POS box to use with a Parallel pole display (verified trough display manufacture) I have it plugged and and pole display is working fine. Called Avermedia and they can't give me any support on it. Told me to try all the settings. Anyone set one of these up and have success?????? Anyone know what the communication baud rate will be using it in this configuration. I felt like I was on the phone with my 3 year old niece they couldn't give me anything. At this point I'm thinking it may be easier to reconfigure the POS to open up the serial port, buy a serial pole display and send the "POS" back.



    are you using the pos box on a avermedia dvr ???

  16. If I were upto no good and saw this baby looking at me I'd think the space police were after me





    for the cost of that camera i would rarther just go on holiday. spot the problem .............. PTZ but the IR is fixed. its one of those bad ideas like a snooze button on a smoke detector.

  17. Hi Guys,


    The budget point keeps coming back!!


    We need the system to be expandable up to 12 camera, but initially we only want 5 initially (2 fixed, 3 PTZ).


    3x fixed [edit by mod, store link removed] = £344

    2x [edit by mod, store link removed] = £397


    5x POE Injectors = £250


    Total £991


    The only reason I am considering IP cameras is because we have the infrastructure, and also we need the system to be flexible.

    Yes, cheap indoor cameras are suitable for the environment. I have been testing one.



    yes your budget does keep comming up and you have got it down to £991. not bad you have saved yourself £9.


    dont pat yourself on the back too quick. now you need to record it all.


    looking at the cameras that you intend to use. will not protect a warehouse and 3 you have listed as PTZ (no there not) and going ip you need to keep the network all together for your system dont link in and out of your existing infrastructure.


    with £1000 i would just install a 4 camera system and stay away from your ip ..... it will do more and protect more than the system you have listed.

  18. hi noooodlez. like has been posted £1000 budget for a 12 camera system cant happen. even if you go and buy secondhand your budget is still to low.


    and the cameras you have posted .... they are just for home indoor use. pointless for a warehouse.



    what is your max budget and what value are you ptotecting. i take it you want your system to work if anything happends.

  19. Hi,


    I'm based in the UK and cannot find it for sale over here, google search did not list any for sale. A dvr system like that would it just connect up to the receiver and record and are most dvr recorders compatible with all cctv cameras?


    Thanks for your help





    hi martin. yes your camera will link to that unit. but you will have problems with your wireless as it 2.4ghz and you will have all sorts of problems baby monitors / wifi / blue tooth / next doors remote door bell will all knock out your video.


    so i would just link your camera upto the unit direct.

  20. Hi,


    sorry for the noob question, but I have just purchased a wireless cctv camera and receiver on ebay and need to find out how I can record off of it for a reasonable price.


    It is basic system I purchased off of ebay, for outdoor use.


    I don't have a spare PC or monitor to show the images on but only need it to record constantly, reason being it will be used to monitor my car which has been vandalised on several occasions I want to find out who is doing this. So I can go back and see the date/time the damage occurred.


    Can I use a DVR card without having it connected to dedicated PC which would have to stay on?


    The camera I purchased was :-




    Would really appreciate some help here







    something like this might help you.





    This neat, compact recording box has full digital video recording functionality but, instead of recording to a hard disk, it records video footage to SD card.


    Time and date stamping, motion detection recording (sensitivity adjustable), scheduled recording, real time recording speed (adjustable between 1-30fps), 640x480 VGA resolution recording, recording overwrite option, takes up to 16G SD card and if purchased with our 12v rechargeable battery pack it is a truly portable and covert CCTV recording option (supplied as standard with 12v mains power adaptor).


    It's a one channel recorder and will even give you an estimation of recording time left on your SD card. You can connect to your TV for playback or simply remove the SD card and playback on your PC or laptop by using an SD card reader.

  21. For $500 the best thing for you to do for your customer ........ is say sorry but i cant do anything for that price. which is a lot better than your customer calling you everything under the sun if you sell him the system you have posted. it is very bottom end crap.


    If you thought aposonic's DVRs are cheap and crappy, then 95% of DVRs from other vendors in USA is even cheaper.

    It's just pricing strategy. Don't think the higher the price, the greater the quality in security market.

    You just don't know what you don't know.


    However, in Chris's case, I had recommended him over phone not to purchase the $500 system which was for low-budget users.

    Well, update for you guys that many 16-ch systems are less than $600 now, you may try










    sorry nelson but i think your 95% is to high. $600 is way to low for even a budget 16 way dvr. and can i point out they is no such thing as a budget user. its not the user he is your customer its the dvr that is budget.


    many installers know what the lowest price should be before they start buying bad quality and also you have two types of what i call budget.


    unbranded budget system = no support and very limited.

    branded budget systems = support / updatable



    you are right systems are becomming cheaper. but if someone asked me for a good dvr i have in my mind what has the good quality/fps/ and the support. and then price.


    what is just about to come into force in the uk is the lowest limit a cctv system can be used. (and its about time)
