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Everything posted by Securitymaster

  1. Securitymaster

    Sadamm Leter to America

    I found this letter, and I thought it migh make some interesting reading for some of you guys here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14079.htm
  2. Talk to rory first, you won't regret it.
  3. Securitymaster

    Prisoner's Paradise

    What?? So I kill 22 People and I only get 21 years? Damm, I should take someone I know over there and "take care of him" and only get basically 10 1/2 months? Uhmm.... I can live with that
  4. Securitymaster

    Taiwanese Error Message

    haha That's what happens when you use google translator.
  5. Securitymaster

    Happy 4th of July!!

    Thank You Too many fireworks this year.
  6. Securitymaster

    forum problems

    is it me, is anyone else here having database errors with the forum tonight?
  7. Securitymaster

    Is this good quality?

    Well, to start, the first set of pictures, you are allowing the camera to pick up the flourecent light, that drives the CCD crazy, move it a little out of the way to see if it helps. For the rest of them, they are not good cameras, expecially the one that's looking into the window, the camera is not a Wide Dynamic, which is why the glare is there.
  8. Securitymaster

    Samsung GVI versus Samsung Techwin

    I've tried both companies, and techwin comes over the top all the time. Expecially their 520.
  9. Securitymaster

    Looking for Camera Beta Testers (CCTV Forum Exclusive)

    Well, I recieved my cameras today, and what I propose is that we all use them with different lenses to see how they perform.
  10. Securitymaster

    4ch dvr and pico2000

    Sorry to say this, but you might just have to get another DVR card first. There are many many alternatives to pico crap.
  11. Securitymaster

    Good USB DVR

    That's actually cheap. I've seen good ones for $1400 and up.
  12. That happens a lot with DM stuff. Are you able to access the menu?
  13. Securitymaster

    day/night camera

    Nice shots man!!! Good job putting the banner.
  14. Securitymaster

    WDT-2016 Problem!!!!

    Mandame un PM en espanol para responderte
  15. Securitymaster

    Question on wiring.

  16. Well, example software operates at port 80 but the video is transmitted thru port 81
  17. Could the unit be transmiting video from another port?
  18. And that's why we buy Video Insight boards, made in TX, and sold by a guy from the "Northeast"
  19. Very true thomas, but even a software based dvr card can have the same problem is the manufacturer fails to release a software update that would make the card work with different codecs.
  20. Securitymaster

    Playground Installation

    It's going to cost WAY WAY more to use wireless than to just have the phone company put a line in for DSL. Depending where you are, the cost per year on the broadband will be something like 30-40% of the cost of ONE good wireless transmitter.
  21. Securitymaster

    Please help wiring PTZ to DVR

    I looked at the manual for the camera, and the website, but I cannot find anything about protocols. rory, help
  22. Securitymaster

    Panasonic WV-CP254H day/night

    I can't find anything either,
  23. Securitymaster

    Question on wiring.

    Only problem is that this is a 50 year old residential building with 140 units. We figured out how to do some things, but I will look into everything that you guys have suggested.
  24. Securitymaster

    Question on wiring.

    Well, if you put them high enough that they can't reach without a ladder, it might just give the cameras a chance.