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Everything posted by LittleScoobyMaster

  1. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV-NVR and Panasonic WV-SC385

    We sell lots of GV-NVR's and I can tell You one thing - it woks good only with Geo PTZ cameras. I was tring to use ACTi, Vivo, Sanyo, Sony - always problems with moving camera with joystick. Using presets or mouse is not a problem, but GV-Joystick or GV-Keyboard - its hell. How is it using other non-Geo-joysticks and non Geo-keyboards?
  2. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision 6050 and Windows 7

    I'm stuck on Geovision version 6050. Anyone still on that version? If so, do you have it running on a server and your trying to view the cameras in realtime from a Windows 7 client? If so, any luck? When I try to connect to the web server, I get the standard, program not certified, etc. In Win7, you can turn off a bunch of security and then it almost makes it through the web client install. Just wondering if anyone actually has it working? My hardware can't go past 6050 unfortunately.
  3. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV-NVR and Panasonic WV-SC385

    Haven't tried that yet.
  4. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV-NVR and Panasonic WV-SC385

    hold your breath. i had there new 3rd party camera licence costs last month (which you are going to need for the pano). and this years price has gone up. if people stoped paying geo for a licence for this and that (geo even charge for 1 POS ) no other company does. yes and your paying to have your res lowered ...... good sales from geo Is the GV-NVR license about $99 per non-GEO IP camera, or are you saying it's going up higher than that? Curious what you mean by having your res lowered? I thought GV-NVR could do 1920x1080 if the camera can support that resolution (like the GV-CB220 is supposed to).
  5. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV-NVR and Panasonic WV-SC385

    Thanks. Just curious, how come you never tried to use it with GV-NVR? Are you using it with the built in software, or something that works better than GV-NVR? I am not a fan of GV. Not saying its bad it's just not my cup of tea. I have used it with Exacq and Avigilon. Don't blame you there. I've been using GV software for 10 years and so far I've been way less than impressed. I'm hoping I'll be impressed with GV-NVR but I'm not holding my breath. Just hoping it will have improved somewhat over the old 6050 version I'm stuck using now because of Geovision anti-piracy issues. A real pain. 6050 doesn't even allow you to have a resolution above 1024x768.
  6. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV-NVR and Panasonic WV-SC385

    Sun on the window isn't the problem - reflections from inside are. Yeah, I notice that a bit with some of my other cameras. For cams with IR led's built in, it's a real pain. I don't think this one has any IR leds but I would still get reflections, but I mostly just want to see how good these MP ptz's look. Eventually, when the prices come down, I'd hope to get an ourdoor unit, but right now, they seem to be twice as much $.
  7. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV-NVR and Panasonic WV-SC385

    Thanks. Just curious, how come you never tried to use it with GV-NVR? Are you using it with the built in software, or something that works better than GV-NVR?
  8. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-NVR (LPR) or GV-LPR madness and fruit loops!

    Wow. That is a high failure rate for Geovision cams. What is the failure rate for Panasonic?
  9. LittleScoobyMaster

    New PTZ Megapixel IP Camera's

    That's correct. Sony has a couple 1080P PTZ cameras and Panasonic is also coming out with a 1080P PTZ. None of them are under $2000 This is what I have been noticing so far as well. Any idea when they might fall to about the $1000-$1200 range? Are we talking another year or much much longer? Maybe I should be happy with the one I found that is limited to only 1280x1024, but it would be nice to have some idea of when these prices might be dropping. At the moment, I am unaware if there are plans for many of the higher definition ones to hit mass production or anything like that.
  10. Anyone know of a recent PTZ 2.1 Megapixel (1920x1080) IP camera with at least a 10X optical zoom (or better) that works with GV-NVR? For some reason I haven't seen too many with these specs. I've seen a 1.3 MP close to these specs but the resolution was only about 1280x1024 and even less on some I believe. I was hoping for 1080p or even greater (or at least 1600x1200). Are there just not a bunch out yet under $1000 US? In door or outdoor is fine and it should have day\night, hopefully low lux. I see the AXIS Q6035 fits these specs, but it lists for ~$3000. Is that just how much it still costs for a camera with these specs? http://www.axis.com/products/cam_q6035/index.htm
  11. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-NVR (LPR) or GV-LPR madness and fruit loops!

    Your probably right. I've been looking at all the Geovision camera's and notice they have big holes in their line-up, especially when it comes to PTX megapixel camera's with a 10x+ zoom. I started looking at 2.1MP because of the higher resolution, but may end up going the other direction too. So, it's my understanding, if I don't want to purchase a Geovision cam, I can buy a third party IP cam and pay $100 for the GV-NVR licenese and thats all I need, is that correct? Are Geovision camera's not very good, or overpriced for what you get?
  12. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-NVR (LPR) or GV-LPR madness and fruit loops!

    Thanks for the response. That was confusing me because I'm looking on this website called apexcctv.com and it lists a Geovision camera. It's a 1.3 MP IP camera with a resolution of 1280x1024. All of the Geovision camera's on that site mention that they come with free 32-CH NVR Software which I'm assuming is GV-NVR, latest version. In fact when you click on the link, it brings me to a GeoVision 32CH NVR Software explanation with a datasheet. In the explanation of the GV-NVR software, it has bullet points of LPR (however, directly above that it says "It is a scalable, extensible platform that can be customized and seamlessly integrated with other security system applications, such as LPR." So, I guess that makes sense, just mislead me at first because it lists the features of GV-NPR as being this: 1. POS/ ATM/ EAS for loss prevention 2. Access Control for building automation 3. License Plate Recognition system for law enforcement, entrance control and revenue collection 4. Megapixel IP devices for critical area and mobile object monitoring 5. Central Monitoring stations for high profile security areas in commercial, industrial and residential markets Since I know #4 comes with GV-NPR, I figured the other bullet points did too. Should have known better I guess, but thanks for clearing that up. Is around $800 ballpark for that license? (LPR for use with a GV-NPR IP Megapixel IP camera) I may have worded that incorrectly. What I meant was, when you purchase a Geovision IP camera (the ones I'm looking at anyway), it says you get a free copy of GV-NVR to use on that 1 camera. Is that correct? That does seem stupid, but coming from Geovision, I'm not surprised. (I've had to deal with Geovisions ridiculously stupid and horribly implimented anti-piracy prevention schemes for the past 10 years with their older model DVR cards.) My new setup would be pure IP cameras only. However, if the license really is ~$800 for LPR, I won't be adding LPR at all unfortunately. That's realy too bad it's so expensive, because these new high def IP cameras offer such high resolutions that they practically scream LPR. I guess the LPR code must be more sophisticated and harder to impliment than I thought. Maybe some day it will come down in price, I hope. Rory, you've coded a bunch of apps with Geovision routines\sdk's or done something similar with your free apps (if I remember correctly, some of your free apps were better than GV's stuff), is it that difficult to impliment LPR in a piece of code or does it seem overpriced?
  13. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-NVR (LPR) or GV-LPR madness and fruit loops!

    Thank you. I take great pride in grooming my yak and he works out daily. At this time, there are no plans to have this yak run for any elected government positions, however, I will not rule it out completely. We're keeping our options open.
  14. LittleScoobyMaster

    AVIGILON 16MP, 5MP and Video Encoders - Flexible price

    What is the price of this, and why is it secret?
  15. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Anyone know which Geovision cards can view and record in 1080p? For instance, I notice even in the latest Geovision user manual, it seems that the highest rez is only 720x640. Surely this can't be correct since the latets Geovision camera's are capable of 1080p. What's the scoop? Is there a way for my old piece of junk GV600 to record in 1080p by adusting some .ini settings or something? Anything....Hmm. I bet I need to upgrade, but even if I do, the user manual still only lists 720x480. What the hoona-hogga-hell?
  16. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV600 v3 on Windows 7

    Are there any hacks to get the GV600 v3 hardware to work on Win7? I can't believe that I should have to re-purchase my GV600 just so that I can use the hardware on Windows 7. It doesn't seem fair.
  17. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    correct you select NVR instead of DVR when installing. ahh. Light just clicked. ok, so, that makes sense. Now I see the need for the license model. So, if I purchase those 4 high def Geovision IP camera's, do they come with the needed license to run Geovision 8.x on the new server? Or, where is the license pricing available?
  18. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV600 v3 on Windows 7

    How do they compare to a GV system? I mean, take my GV600 v3 for example. Is the Dahua system an upgrade compared to that? I've seen some of the Dahua 4 cam systems for as low as $199. That seems pretty inexpensive. Have never used one myself.
  19. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    You just answered your own question: with IP cameras, you don't need the hardware card. Are you saying that I could purchase, for instance, 4 Geo IP camera's only, and then provide a server and a network switch and that is all I need? I don't need a Geovision card to be able to run the latest version of the Geo software on a new server?
  20. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Did the IP support start to exist with the addition of extra hardware to the new GV600 models, or just extra code added to the Geo software? (6.x versus 8.x)
  21. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV600 v3 on Windows 7

    We all know what you think of Win7 Rory... There are many however, who happen to love Win7 and think it's the best OS since 2000, myself included. There are also many of us who love to be on the cutting edge for some types of hardware. I love the new Intel I7-2600K processors, yet, I am hesitant to upgrade my Geo hardware because of all the Geovision issues, especially the ones regarding pirated cards and Geo's ridiculous attempts to curb the piracy (i.e. making customers re-purchase the same exact model card just to use the latest OS). I see next to no difference in hardware for the older GV600's and the newer ones. They are practically identical with no added value, except the ability to run on Win7 and Geo 8.x. Their methods hurt the customers more than the criminals unfortunately. However, we do have some things in common. You prefer to hold on to an ancient OS, and I prefer to not have to re-purchase my older Geo hardware, so I understand where you are coming from in that respect.
  22. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    This seems goofy. Why do we need a license just to use ip cams? What's with that? With the analog models you could just by the gv card, hook up the cameras up to as many hardware ports that you have and be done with it. My GV600 v3 only supports Geovision software version 6040 or 6050.
  23. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Thanks. I have used IP cameras many times before...I started with the old d-link ip camera's when they were one of the first low cost solutions you could purchase. However, when I used them way back then, I only used the proprietary software that came with them, not Geovision. That said. I'm trying to understand some of the Geovision options in this space. So if I take an old GV-600, hook up a newer ip camera to my home network, how can the new ip camera gets it's signal into the Geovision software? Or would I require a different Geovision card? One of the NVR cards? I have to catch up on all this. I'm considering (and I really don't know why with all the Geovision hell I have put myself through) upgrading my Geovision card, if for any reason at all, Windows 7 compatibility and higher framerates. I have the GV600 with 6 cams attached and the frames are very slow. Would be nice if they were 3 times quicker at least. But, if I'm going to have to upgrade, I might as well look at the high def camera's as well. They seem so much more detailed. 720x640 compared to 1920x1080 and higher is quite a difference in quality that's for certain.
  24. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Just use google, or goto Next Tag and type in the product number. It already exists. It's not quite the same. Next Tag doesn't have reviews you could trust from others who use the product(s) as frequently as the members of this forum.
  25. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    I know many times items get through spam filters, my blog has one and I have to check it daily as well. But there is a difference from someone who just starts posting random sales links than from someone who has been on the site for over 7 years who might have a legitimate question about an item and just happened to post the first link to the item for a little info on it, as was the case in my hyperlink. I wasn't spamming anyone. I just had a question about an item I was interested in.