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Posts posted by larry

  1. Please post all your issues, questions or any other concerns or comments here. I will be checking this throughout the day but there may be a delay in responding (due to work schedule). But I will definitely try to address every issue.

    I did face issues during the migration to the new software and server but I hope everything made it over correctly and works as it should. The new software is very different than the old software but it offers much more features. So many that I don't know how to load or work most of them.

    The migration took much longer than I expected and offered a ton of complications. I did not want to keep the forum disabled any longer than I absolutely had to so I decided to make it live again and work out the issues I know with the software support group Monday or Tuesday.

    Also, I will be making changes to the forums in the coming days - forum renaming, merging - that I did not get a chance to finish before going live again.

    Thanks for your patience.




  2. I agree. Being called "silly" is not a proper response to a question no matter how many times it has been asked.

    No one called anyone silly. All that was said is that he is going about it in a "silly way" big difference. Are we all in third grade here? Everyone is looking for an excuse to be offended and complain to mods. They need to man up and take the proper advice that was given.


    Let's be honest here. Saying someone is approaching something in a "silly" manner is a passive aggressive way of inferring they are silly. We're not all in third grade but, I agree, someone still is.

  3. Good idea, but this would not work here in Chicago and surrounding suburbs. We have traffic cameras all over the place. Low incident traffic intersections and high incident traffic intersections. High crime street corners; just all over the place. Traffic cams are an excellent source of revenue here - fines are a minimum of $100 a pop.


    I assume all one has to do is fill out a freedom of information form and get footage. Plus all the tollway and Interstate systems have cameras about every quarter mile or so and we can view them on the internet.

  4. Among other things, it seems as though the really knowledgeable members are either gone or not participating anymore. I feel like the guy who got to the party just as everyone is leaving


    What's with all this? I mean, this forum is about helping people with CCTV questions. If it turns out that this forum is a bunch of DIY'ers, sticking together and helping each other out then, I ask, what the hell is wrong with that?


    There are some very knowledgeable people here now that did not come here with infinite knowledge. They learned it on their own and by asking questions or by trial and error or by just figuring stuff out. You have to be the type of person that likes to help others out with what you learned; some do, some don't.


    Out of necessity, I had to learn how fix my own appliances. I gain knowledge from people - some being experienced repairmen, willing to help at forums like fixya and the like. But guess what, I still see Sears appliance repair trucks all over my neighborhood.


    Like ShockWave said ...


    Forums and technology are enabling everyone, no matter if they should be or not.


    Doesn't make it better. It just makes it so.

  5. I think the main issue here is that once upon a time, many discussions here were highly sophisticated and technical and dealt with complex issues. Now the vast majority of discussions consist of DIY'ers and Costco systems that are, at the very least, unchallenging.


    I have to disagree with this assessment. From the beginning, most questions are about equipment selection or purchasing options or FAQ type of inquiries. Like "What's the best brand for..." "How do I view my cameras from..." "Where can I purchase ..." "Where should I place cameras for..." "How do I install a wireless..."


    Over time, the residential market has exploded and more people are putting cameras in their homes; so the questions are more on the level of what a DIY'er or novice would ask. Being a DIY'er myself, I don't mind that at all.


    As I stated before, things evolve. Analog was the king when this forum started; now it's all about IP. IP is not only the future; it is the now. I believe IP has already surpassed analog in sales; but this is my uneducated opinion.


    I still read and post here occasionally but the percentage of discussions that interest me has declined tremendously. In that respect, cctvforum is not alone. LinkedIn is in the same boat. Many of us have moved on from both here and there. I think you'll find a number of your ex-members have moved from both forums to places like IPVM.


    Personally, I read IPVM too- it's an excellent resource. And I am not even in the CCTV business; I write software. They are a successful subscription based service; this is a free forum that does not generate much revenue. We both attract different, and similar types of CCTV enthusiast.


    Plus, people just move on from sites naturally. I participate in a few software development forums. Some I participate in less frequently than I did earlier.


    Fact of the matter is; I still think this site still helps people make informed decisions. Some new members may not make use of the search function as much as they should and ask redundant questions. This site doesn't aggregate the most frequently asked questions and place those questions in an easily accessible area - that has to be corrected.

  6. Excuse me, but no one here has ever been denied the option of discussing whatever system they choose to recommend.


    So please, recommend a system at whatever price point you wish.


    Also, the "cheap" systems most recommend here are Dahua based. What is so inferior with that manufacturer?


    I just don't get what the problem is. People generally buy what they can afford. Cheap junk is identified by user dissatifaction. That's the way it's supposed to work - or am I missing something here?

  7. Well, to answer your question as to what happened to the forum. The answer is...nothing has happened. Just a forum evolving with the times.


    Over time, people find better more cost effective solutions than the same old names. I can remember when Geovision was the hot brand here, now it's found some competition.


    To your comment of cheap Chinese brands. What is not manufactured in Asia now days? Most of your "professional" brands are made somewhere in Asia.


    To your other concerns; I really have no clue what you are referring to. All I can say is the forum is still here; will continue to change with the times and hopefully grow better with age. Considering this year marks 10 years that this place has been around, there are definitely things I am planning to add here to make it a more useful resource for surveillance information.
