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Q-See QC444 DVR Motion Detection Setup

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I have a QC444 and use the web interface to configure all settings. When I attempt to adjust the motion detection feature the screen is full of blue blocks, but I can't see any video picture to setup a motion area. I can only change the color of the blocks from light blue to dark blue by clicking on the blocks. Is this right? Should I be able to actually see a camera to adjust the detection field.

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Ideally yes. But it doesn't work when doing it remotely. You have to set that up in the dvr itself, looking at the monitor hooked up to it. Not sure why it doesn't work remotely except I figure it's a graphics card issue. I don't have your exact dvr but I have a 408 qsee and get the same thing. I've heard others with the same issue, different brands altogether. Not a big deal to me though- set it up locally and it's done.



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As far as I know there is no 2.608 update for that model (LE-AS/AN), you may find a 2.606 update on the QC site, but it will unlikely be 2.608, which fixes this issue.


Otherwise, settings generally remain the same during the firmware upgrade, except the encode settings normally. From 2.60#.####.# to 2.608 the encoding is different so those are replaced with defaults, and would not be able to import the config in that case. Thats one of the main issues with that entry level unit, lack of latest firmware updates.


But again, the QC-444 will not take the 2.608 firmware, at least not the one I have listed which is only for some other models.

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Rory- your link is just an activeX update? All is working otherwise for me- I'd hate to throw it outa whack. But if it's just an activeX update and would improve things, cool beans.

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Rory- your link is just an activeX update? All is working otherwise for me- I'd hate to throw it outa whack. But if it's just an activeX update and would improve things, cool beans.

Its a new ActiveX from 2.608 firmware that is hosted on my website - when you hit the page you would download it as usual. Then the Web Service on that page uses that activeX. The activeX is version, which is from DVR firmware version 2.608 from an LE-A DVR. Its the default Web Service app that came from the DVR as well.


The web service is modified to allow users to enter their own DVR IP Address.

Otherwise it is the same general Dahua Web Service, in this case 2.20.

And yes it will allow one to use all the features of the new ActiveX while connected to a DVR using the older firmware.


But this will only work if you actually have a Dahua based DVR.

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Additionally I have a custom Web Service for Dahua DVRs I am working on, again it uses the same activeX (will make my own if I get some free time), in this case I have an entry page which has the link to the ActiveX installer, and therefore you have the chance to run that first before the page actually loads the ActiveX at all. It is still one single page though, but if there is no form post then the entry page will show and you enter your details. One page only so you only need to add that to the IE Tab Filter in Firefox/Chrome's IE Tab Plugin.


Seriously all this stuff to install might as well use a full blown desktop software LOL.

ActiveX and then Plugins ... Ok but yeah this runs in a browser .. anyway moving along ..


It uses a mix of Classic ASP and Sessions, and plenty of Javascript as usual - although much more minimal compared to the default Dahua Web Service and if you view the source code, much neater and organized. Its all written from scratch. I originally started writing it in client side vbscript (as I am king with that LOL) but even though it uses IE in IE Tab, those browsers still wont recognize the scripts.


It lets you enter an IP and login details, select a Stream type and MultiView, and then it will load all cameras automatically. It has a couple resize features and a popup I still need to convert from my RTSP app to this one, a drag to resize I am currently fixing to work in IE (works fine in FF and Chrome but disabled it for now), and ofcourse the same Search, Alarm, and Config features as in the default web service as those are built into the ActiveX. Im working on the part of the entry form now that lets you select which camera goes where, meanwhile it just loads all cameras regardless of the view selected.


Probably do alot more to it as I get free time, however I also have articles to write and desktop software to update.


Meanwhile here is that link ..


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Otherwise it is the same general Dahua Web Service, in this case 2.20.

Sorry that would actually be 2.0.

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Additionally I have a custom Web Service for Dahua DVRs I am working on, again it uses the same activeX (will make my own if I get some free time), in this case I have an entry page which has the link to the ActiveX installer, and therefore you have the chance to run that first before the page actually loads the ActiveX at all. It is still one single page though, but if there is no form post then the entry page will show and you enter your details. One page only so you only need to add that to the IE Tab Filter in Firefox/Chrome's IE Tab Plugin.


Seriously all this stuff to install might as well use a full blown desktop software LOL.

ActiveX and then Plugins ... Ok but yeah this runs in a browser .. anyway moving along ..


It uses a mix of Classic ASP and Sessions, and plenty of Javascript as usual - although much more minimal compared to the default Dahua Web Service and if you view the source code, much neater and organized. Its all written from scratch. I originally started writing it in client side vbscript (as I am king with that LOL) but even though it uses IE in IE Tab, those browsers still wont recognize the scripts.


It lets you enter an IP and login details, select a Stream type and MultiView, and then it will load all cameras automatically. It has a couple resize features and a popup I still need to convert from my RTSP app to this one, a drag to resize I am currently fixing to work in IE (works fine in FF and Chrome but disabled it for now), and ofcourse the same Search, Alarm, and Config features as in the default web service as those are built into the ActiveX. Im working on the part of the entry form now that lets you select which camera goes where, meanwhile it just loads all cameras regardless of the view selected.


Probably do alot more to it as I get free time, however I also have articles to write and desktop software to update.


Meanwhile here is that link ..



Every week is like Christmas when Rory brings the Dahua gifts. I used the 2.08 ActiveX and it worked like a charm. Regarding the Custom Web Service, I was able to view the configuration and download the OCX in both Firefox (using IE Tab) and IE but keep getting "Failed to Connect Driver in Main Connection".

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Every week is like Christmas when Rory brings the Dahua gifts. I used the 2.08 ActiveX and it worked like a charm. Regarding the Custom Web Service, I was able to view the configuration and download the OCX in both Firefox (using IE Tab) and IE but keep getting "Failed to Connect Driver in Main Connection".


Still working on and testing the custom app .. so things might not be 100%.

If you use IE9 though make sure compatibility mode is enabled.

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Regarding the Custom Web Service, I was able to view the configuration and download the OCX in both Firefox (using IE Tab) and IE but keep getting "Failed to Connect Driver in Main Connection".

BTW that error message generally means it cant connect to the device.

So far works tested on XP and Vista in Chrome/FF with IE Tabs, and IE8 (not sure about IE9 yet).


Which OS and Browser are you using? Shouldn't have any more issues than the default web service, unless you were testing it when I was making changes

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Every week is like Christmas when Rory brings the Dahua gifts.


LOL, I dont know why Dahua just doesnt hire him as much programming as he knows about these things. Check out his front panel remote control thingamabob which basically gives you full control of the front panel of the DVR from a remote computer. Its crazy.

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While we're on the subject of this DVR and firmware. Is it possible to create a longer password? I seem to recall that this DVR (QC444) won't allow passwords longer than about 5 characters.

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