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Best way to run VGA cable

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OK a little background on the job.

TV is about 25' away from the DVR. I would normally run a nice VGA cable from point to point. Only issue here is that the house has been added onto many many times and it has a double roof. A Flat one then an A shaped one on top. Its super ideal for this install because i can walk anywhere and there is no insulation but makes running the wires really hard! There is a layer of roofing paper, plywood, insulation, drywall. So i needed to go up the wall. nI grabbed my trusty 6' ong 1" auger bit and popped it up there. I was hoping it would be in the middle so i could use a saw-zall to open it up and grab the wire. Nope. It came up into a huge stack of 3 2x4's so i cant use this hole.


I know the best way to do this would be to run the VGA cable but it wont fit with out ALOT of work in a 200+ deg attic.

Do these work? 25'?



or do i need one of these?


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If it's only 25' I've tried these and they work well enough for VGA and for a lot

less expenditure than a 25' VGA cable. Cat 5 patch leads are so cheap

but you should try it before running the cable to satisfy yourself that your work won''t be wasted.

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No hdmi.


I just purchased the ones in the photo.


Thanks for the input, I feel better about my decision.

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This is by far the most neat and economic way to crack this particular nut,

and if you can''t fit RJ45 plugs yourself , then you can get away with ready made patch leads.

This method makes a very simple and tidy solution which anyone can apply.

You can do the same with a wireless mouse and a USB balun hiding the usb balun above a ceiling or behind a couch etc od bringing it next to the VGA screen then you can backup and control the DVR remotely without access to the DVR but you'ss need a two port USB hub.



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I installed both baluns and they work! Yay! Only issue I'm having is the ghosting of the image. When I open the menu on the dvr there is a red version of everything like a drop shadow. Not perfect but you can see it. Re did ends and same issue.


Should I find better baluns now? Not sure this is gonna cut it.

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