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Anna Nicole Smith dies in Florida hospital

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Yep. She has had a very troubled life.


Son died, lot of time spent in courts over the years, recent lawsuit involving trimspa and the paternity test that was just forced upon her.


I think she commited suicide. Well see.

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I agree. She was on some heavy-duty "over the counter" pills. She probably was used to taking a certain amount when whe was in her "heavy" stage and kept taking the same amount after she lost her 75lbs. Body weight fluctuations like that are a double whammy when you are already taking waaay too many pills.

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After todays press conference I am convinced they will announce that she died of an accidental overdose due to the fact they found no pills in her stomach.


Again, we will see

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The loss of any life is tragic... but didnt see much Network News bulletins, flashes, breaking stories, commentary, hours of video replay press confrences on this familys loss Thursday. U.S. DOD Office (Public Affairs) News Release: Sgt. Joshua J. Frazier, 24, of Spotsylvania, Va. died Feb. 6 while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, Iraq. 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force. I reckon glamour and money takes priority.

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The problem is, there is no money to be made from the death of the young boy or girl after passing while fighting for a country. Millions were made by taking advantage of Anna Nicole’s weakness’ over the years. And millions will be made from her death. Simply, it’s just a matter of a small few taking advantage one’s weakness or place in life in order to line their greed filled pockets.

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Well fellas, trouble is there are a lot of folks makin money from the blood of our fighting men and women and those same people would rather divert our attention to this sad pathetic death.Never seen a politican retire broke after/during a war but sure know a lot of vets who are. Ok Im done

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Well fellas, trouble is there are a lot of folks makin money from the blood of our fighting men and women and those same people would rather divert our attention to this sad pathetic death.Never seen a politican retire broke after/during a war but sure know a lot of vets who are. Ok Im done


what blows my mind is that there were no weapons of mass destruction, sadam was not involved with the 911 terrorists, the bush people wanted the war and lied to the people. and yet this SOB is still leading us into a beehive from hell where our oponents line up to kill themselves in order to take us out.

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Anna, Anna, glamorous Anna, Anna Nicole!

Was born in Texas, strugglin' savin', tryin' to get to fame

Then you use what you got (and that's a lot!), you became a household name

Married a billionaire, so he was 88, but they didn't date!

Then it all disappeared as fast as it caa-aame!

Anna, Anna, glamorous Anna, Anna Nicole!

Anna, Anna, glamorous Anna, Anna Nicole!

You're so outrageous!

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yeah, our minister of immigration really cracked us up last night .. he was blaming everything on a local newspaper .. not that it has anything to do with her death though.. but certainly makes us look bad ..


No will someone tell the US Media that we are Bahamians .. its HAME, not HAM ..

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The Bahamas doesn't believe Stern is the Father BTW ..

Just because he signed some paper that said he is ..

well he should know that means little here.


I Wish the US media would get their story straight !

And he needs to be kicked out of that house he doesn't own ..

In fact he needs to get deported already!!!


The majority of us think most of our laws are ancient and we have an election in a couple months that will hopefully fix some of that - whatever happens the current administration has to go. They are typically racist against whites, as shown from recent rallies and their detest against a white man running for DPM for the other main party .. they lost my vote right there.


SHAME gibson (our immigration minister that resigned) was right to resign (should have been fired actually) and he is under investigation currently.


Corruption is our middle name here, so says the US media, and really they aren't far off. It is typical to get work or things done here on "who you know", not "what you know".


I also wish they would call our country by the right name ..

THE BAHAMAS .. NOT simply "BAHAMAS" . ..

Thats like calling the US .. "A STATES OF AMERICA"


They also need to realize it is "BAHAMIAN" and not "BAHAMIAN" ..

thats "HAME" as opposed to "HAM"!!


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The Bahamas doesn't believe Stern is the Father BTW ..

Just because he signed some paper that said he is ..

well he should know that means little here.


I Wish the US media would get their story straight !

And he needs to be kicked out of that house he doesn't own ..

In fact he needs to get deported already!!!


The majority of us think most of our laws are ancient and we have an election in a couple months that will hopefully fix some of that - whatever happens the current administration has to go. They are typically racist against whites, as shown from recent rallies and their detest against a white man running for DPM for the other main party .. they lost my vote right there.


SHAME gibson (our immigration minister that resigned) was right to resign (should have been fired actually) and he is under investigation currently.


Corruption is our middle name here, so says the US media, and really they aren't far off. It is typical to get work or things done here on "who you know", not "what you know".


I also wish they would call our country by the right name ..

THE BAHAMAS .. NOT simply "BAHAMAS" . ..

Thats like calling the US .. "A STATES OF AMERICA"


They also need to realize it is "BAHAMIAN" and not "BAHAMIAN" ..

thats "HAME" as opposed to "HAM"!!



Nothing but grandstanding and total Greed from everybody, maybe not Larry Burkhead. Stern planned all of this. We know one thing for sure he is not the paternal father.


She slept with so many people it could end up being yet somebody elses. The baby probably is Larry's though. The US should have forced a paternity test from him. But the legal system is so screwed up we had to watch this crazy judge all week.


I hope you guys don't judge the U.S. based upon this crazy story. It really is unreal.


Rory you ought to claim your the father and get a bunch of free publicity. Make sure you mention your in the security business.

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