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System Design help! Fraternity House

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Thanks for helping me out first of all.


I'd like to keep the total budget under $500 USD if possible, maybe even less if possible. If this is completely unreasonable please give me estimates and equipment needed. Are there any places that would have a reasonable package for what I would want? I dont need any fancy equipment just the basics. Let me explain the atmosphere this system will be in. I don't mind long cords going up to my bedroom or outside through my window however I wouldn't mind a wireless network either.


I'm going to be living inside a fraternity house that has lots of traffic, and with lots of traffic comes lots of opportunities for theft. I'd like to put 1 camera in the living room, B&W, color or nightvision, 1 camera outside the house with the same specs, 1 camera at the back deck, and 1 camera in the "party room".


the first camera would be mounted in the corner of a room with 2 sofas, a bar, and an expensive television. The room is 12x12feet and the camera would not need any further range than 15ft.


the second camera would be mounted outside my window aimed at the front lawn to ensure that nobody gets in fights outside the house and that if anyone decides to vandalize our house we will have them on cctv. This would be the most important camera, and nightvision would be preferred. this camera would have to be able to see at least 25-30ft, and more if possible.


the third camera would be on the bottom of a gutter aimed at the back deck of our house where cars are parked. this camera would only have to see 15 feet to ensure nobody vandalizes our vehicles or back of house. nightvision is preferred but not necessay.


the fourth camera would be the 'action' camera. this camera would catch people stealing from our party room, and would also most likely catch people being ballegerant. Nightvision is needed for this room as it is poorly lit.



thanks again for all the help! if you need more information let me know.


I have a pc that I would denote to this cause and a small tv also incase a television set is preferred. I do not mind spending large amounts of time setting this up because it is for a good cause. Let me know any suggestions or comments!


Thank you for your help!

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If you are using the system as a deterent, you can save a lot of money by getting 4 dummy cameras and putting up signs everywhere that 'premises are under video surveillance'

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You will not be able to do it for $500.00.


You "can" buy stuff for $500.00, but you will soon find that the limitations will stop you from getting the video that you want.


First question:

Is the $500 just for the camera plus your recording equipment?


Lets just do two cameras. One in your room, and one outside. Where you think you will be mounting the camera measure the distance to the back of the cars. Do not measure from the building to the back of the cars because we have to take in consideration the height of the camera. Put the measure tape up at this height, and get the true measurement. You will want to buy an IR camera that throws the IR double the distance of your measurement.


There will be those who will tell you that I may be wrong on this selection, but we are not buying expensive cameras, and we are just making do with what we can on a budget. This means we are buying cheap cameras, and not the professional cameras that I would normally tell you to buy. These people who chime in will be right, because you do get what you pay for.


Get yourself a bullet camera with 380 Lines of resolution (LOR). 12Volt. The IR with the distance that you have measured. 3.8mm lens is good for the "15 - 20" feet that you have said would be could enough for your video. Avoid audio microphones built in to the camera. If it comes built in to the camera do not use this feature.


For your bedroom:


First decision! Do you want an obvious camera (this I recommend), or do you want a hidden cam? If you want a hidden cam use a PIR motion camera. BE prepared to be arrested as a pervert when the first female finds out that you have a hidden camera taping your "escapades" if you know what I mean. Use a visible camera.


I have to tell you that you will need permision from the "home" owner to bolt things to their "house" (or Frat House). You can always throw a 4" X 4" pole in a pot, and put it on a balcony if you have one. Kind of like what you see with sat dishes on apartments.


Ok. You have a wire running from your outside camera to the inside of your room. I will let you design a way to have the wire come in without drilling holes, and yet still be able to close the window. You do want to think about winter time! I would suggest a piece of wood about 2" tall, and as wide as the sash of your window. Drill a hole big enough to get the connectors through the hole (what we call premade cables). Caulk this hole so that bugs cannot get in, and the weather stays out, and your HVAC stays inside. Push your window down upagainst the wood. Now your window is secure from the weather, and elements. What about physical security. Find a way to "lock" your window. This will be your design. Do not take super long drywall screws and drill them in to the sides of your window. The home owner would not like this. At least ask their permission if you do.


How are we doing so far?


Recording device:


VCR are cheap! $50.00 - $100? Ok you buy cheap, you get cheap. I would not recommend a cheap VCR if security is of the essence!!! LISTEN TO ME! Buy a high end one. Your life may depend on the video recorded. Ok, you went and bought the cheap wally world one anyways. Now how do we plug two cameras in to one VCR???


You will need a device called a multiplexor. You do not want a switcher. A switcher gives you one camera at a time. First camera one, then it switches to camera two, and so on till camera number four, then back to camera one. A multiplexor will give you all four cameras at the exact same time! We call this a quad screen. Take the output of this, and plug it in to your VCR, and then plug the VCR to a TV.


You will want to buy 7 tapes that are 8 hours. You will mark them Sunday through Saturday. One tape for each day. What is today? Ok. Put in that days tape, and press record. If you need to look at past history you can go back a week!


Problem! You can only record for 8 hours! This is ok if you turn it on before you go to bed, and it runs out of tape by morning. If you want to record 24 hours a day then you need three 8 hour tapes for each day. Now you have 24 tapes, and you have to put in a tape, and push record 3 times a day. Don't forget to do it every day!




This is a better choice! You will not be able to get two cameras, two power supplys (one for each camera), two cables (power/video), and a DVR for under $500.00.


Even though this is out of your budget, go ahead a spend a little more. It is not like this is going to waste. Even when you are not in school you can still take it home, and use it there. If you move out the frat house, and get an apartment with that cute girl you can use it there. Don't forget her dad is going to visit every weekend just to ruin your day every weekend. Oh! Sorry! Maybe I was the only one that had this problem!


Anyways I hope this is of some help.


Look at some of the advertisers on this forum, and tell them what you want to do. You can refer them to your post. If someone from the advertising banners, cannot help you then PM me, and I will see what I can do for you.


There may be some lease to own systems out there. You may pay more in the long run, but you can spread your costs out over time, rather than paying a lump sum up front!


Good luck!

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If you go the vcr route I would look for a timelapse VCR so you have the ability to record for longer than just a few hours at a time. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your time at the house swapping tapes over and over each day.


Better yet, get a DVR

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from all the help I've gotten so far, I think a DVR is worth the extra cost. Thank you so much for your help! I can't wait to see what we finally go with. I appreciate all your help thus far and am open to more suggestions!

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