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Questions about licensing

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I have a question about licensing. Does one need to be licensed to install video camera systems? A friend of mine will refer work to me if I was licensed, since he claims if somebody had video taken, for example, a burgulary and that video was presented in court, it wouldn't be valid since I wasn't licensed. To me that sounds far fetched, but need more info. If licensing is required or preferred, how and where would I start to look into getting licensed? I'm in Arkansas if that matters.

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In the US you may need to be, here no, though a business licence is required ofcourse. There are some members from arkansas here though, so will see if they reply.

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Dont know about licensing, but i would hazzard a guess that if the job is not done 100 percent to all rules and regs (such as planning permission, building regs etc) then its likely a scumbag would claim to the court that the evidence is inadmissable as the cameras were unlawfully installed/operated/sited whatever. Then the scumbags client would walk away scot free.


So even if licencing is not required, it would not hurt to brush up on the rules and regs to cover your clients backs.

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the lease of your worries would be that the video would not be able to be used in court.

Yes you do have to have a license

And I would not install or even go out and do a proposal if you dont have a license. Seeing as how it is a class D felony in the state of arkansas. They take it extremely seriously here. You have to meet certain criteria and also under go a arkansas and FBI background check. Then you have to have completed Level I and Level II class through the National Burgler and Fire Alarm Association.

call this number to find out 618 8000 to find out info.

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i wish they had that here actually, then maybe landscape and plumbing companies wouldnt be selling CCTV now ..

Im sure it must help somewhat to keep out at least some of the trunk slammers ..?

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your right it does but not all of them. But the alarm companies are pretty much the same. The alarm companies around here are very much cheap and know nothing about how to provide and effective system. Thats why I try tell people up front that I wont be competitively priced. So the trunk slammers can install all the crappy systems they want. I did not want the cheap people anyway. they irritate the crap out of me.

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WOW! thats quite a bit to go through to be a(n) CCTV installer. I am guessing/assuming that also means that you install alarm systems as well?


I wonder what the rules are for Florida. Guess I'm gonna have to get off my tuccas and find out if I have to have anything else other than low-voltage liscense, contractors liscense, and insurance bonding.


Hope theres not much more needed.

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ya in arkansas you have to have:

minimum 350,000 dollar insurance policy

Level I & Level II license through the NBFAA

A perfect Record

And alof of money because it cost a boatload to get all that done.


If I was to hire someone and get them licensed it would cost the following:

$100 to process the employees background and license info.

$1,400 to have them go through the level I class. And take the test.

Another $1,400 if they dont pass it.


After that info is done then they proceed with the background information. (so they can make you pay all that money to get your prospective employee process only to find out they dont qualify for something on their record).


its ridiculous.

Edited by Guest

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Even after you have done as jisaacmagee said you still can't install on your own. You have to work under a "licensed company" who also employees a licensed "company manager".


2 more years and I'll be up for the company manager license. Then you can go off and install a motion detector or camera for hire.





I think they should they should put some kinda leash on this on paper, what is a burgler alarm exactly? What is a home automation system with remote reporting capability that uses magnetic door contacts and posses 3 door cams but no recording capability. I have to walk this line alot.

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