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Is this a camera?

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it maybe a pedestrian people counter sensor frequently used on commercial/retail installs located close to entry/exit doors

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LP will not give you that information at least they are not supposed to. They have cameras hidden all over the store that people don't know about. LP keeps everything on the hush hush. It's like if you were to go in and ask if LP is present.


They most likely will NOT tell you due to privacy policies. They don't want you knowing when LP is in and out due to shoplifters just like they don't want you to know if that is a camera or not. It tricks you and makes you think you see?

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Lolo Wolf, how does this systme work? How does it work compared to the photos posted?


I haved asked to speak to someone in loss prevention, and I was told they do not have any security.


In the Customer Service area at a WM in Palm Bay Fl you would be suprised to see the shape of the various cameras in place. The tv show a quad with two videos out. Another camera (vandal dome) was installed after the fact and you can see that it is wired to the tv and no longer shows the quad screen. I had to laugh because the video cable magically pops out of the tile's edge and plugs into the composite plug on the front of the t.v. Looking at the whole room it is rather tacky looking. At first I thought this was a stand by attempt until they could get more equipment installed. I guess notany time soon.

P.S. Based on some of the stories that have been in the news this LP is very much on their toes.

In florida there is a new crime that has popped up and has even shocked me! I wont mention it publicly but it is frightning, (not to the public but of concern to security personal).

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Walmart budgets more time and money in their loss prevention directed at their own inhouse workers than the general public. Most of the recorded material stored is on the cash registers and the parking lots. They have a reputation of not only being evasive in their tactics but border on illegal in their methods of data mining employes as well as customers. Ive known subs that did gc work for some stores in the southeast and had some run ins with their so called "professional" loss prevention staff, not very well trained or educated towards legal issues envolving in store theft/shoplifting etc, many counties prevent off duty law enforcement from moonlighting as they used to in the old days and you got the wannabe with a dimestore shield playing Rambo. Countless law suits that get settled outta court. As they are non union to begin with I woulnt have anything good to say about the company anyway. Just another corp cog in the wheel destroying the American worker and their families, my two cents.

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As someone in the LP field I'm going to chime in briefly.


I am inclined to determine that it is most likely not a camera.


Even our hidden cameras tend to be placed in such a manner that we get the best shot. A side angled view, from the side of the door frame isn't going to be very good. Your local Target has the prefered placement for entrance and exit cameras. Armor domes at the top of the frame, or on the frame between sets of doors, and suspended from the ceiling at about 8' mostly with a public view. In any event, you want the customer/shoplifter to KNOW they are on camera, and you do this by putting the camera in an obvious place.


Also, you must keep in mind that people behind big oak desks, who never see the cameras, or the views of the cameras, or even understand why we need what where.... are the ones who buy and contract the installs. I, as a LP manager don't really get much of a choice.


For example: my store is getting an upgrade sometime this year. With this upgrade I'll be given: 1x Intellex DVR (16 input), 1x touch tracker, and 10x cameras. All the cameras have already been assigned locations by Corp HQ. Also, the installer is given orders to "remove old equipment". Frankly, I think this is a bull**** plan. I've already told my higher that I am keeping everything I currently have, unless he replaces it with 1 for 1 brand new. I won that battle. The camera locations HQ chose may or may not be what I need the most in my store, and in some cases, I've already gone ahead and put in my own camera there... yet the installer HAS to put the new run and camera there


I'd be more inclined to think maybe its an old door sensor.

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There is more to this story than what is publicly known, but I'll just stick to the public domain.




This guy is a scapegoat, and WM is acting "shocked and betrayed". They are firing people left, and right, and putting out warnings to everyone else. After this "firestorm" blows over they will reactivate, and continue as usual.


It makes for interesting reading!!!!!!


Anyone heard of HP's "little problem"?

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