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Requesting Advice from Professional Installers

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I chose to put this post in the IP Camera section because I plan on installing mostly IP cameras for customers.


I have been doing hundreds of hours of research over the past few weeks/months about surveillance camera equipment. Obviously analog was a breeze to learn, and digital took much longer. I have a bachelors degree in IT, so it wasn't too difficult for me to absorb. I still don't consider myself an "expert", but I am able to answer most questions people have about surveillance without any hesitation.


There really aren't many professional surveillance camera installers in my area. In fact, I spent a few hours trying to find one in my area, and came up with nothing. I have heard of one or two guys going door to door handing out flyers for camera installation, but they are just working out of the trunk of their cars. I see this as an opportunity to start my own business.


I have the funds necessary to get all of the equipment I'll need, including a van. I figure I will purchase a few different types of cameras to show clients, but only purchase the cameras which will be installed AFTER they sign the contract. I will purchase cameras online by sourcing the best price (which has a valid warranty included). After a while, if business picks up, I will hopefully be able to purchase large amounts of equipment at wholesale prices.


I plan on focusing mostly on residential homes, but will also do small businesses. I have noticed that almost all small businesses around here have outdated analog systems. I assume back when the systems were installed several years ago, IP systems were way out of their price range - so they were stuck with analog. Now that the overall prices for IP systems are much more affordable, I will attempt to talk the small business owners into upgrading.



Now for the questions:

- Is it feasible to require the client to pay (either in full, or partially) BEFORE I complete the job? This would allow me to purchase the camera setup using the client's funds rather than my own funds. Or will most clients only agree to pay after the job is complete?


- About how often will I receive installation jobs for clients? Yes, I know, this is a very difficult question to answer. I'm just looking for a very general idea of what I should expect. A few a week, a few a month, a few a year? As with any business starting out, I know at first it will probably be quite slow, and pick up as my name gets out there. I am located in between two fairly large cities (one with a high crime rate but low income, and one with a low crime rate but high income).


- What kind of profit margin should I expect? When I first started doing my research, I was expecting around $300-500 total profit on an average 4 camera system. But after doing research, it seems a lot of people are actually earning $500+ profit per camera - so a 4 camera system would earn around $2,000 total profit. Is that true? That's much more than I was expecting, but I won't complain if that truly is the average profit


- Do you have any advice/recommendations for me? What kind of problems did you run into when you started out? Anything you can tell me would be helpful, no matter how small. I would REALLY appreciate it.


Thank you in advance!

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Now for the questions:

- Is it feasible to require the client to pay (either in full, or partially) BEFORE I complete the job? This would allow me to purchase the camera setup using the client's funds rather than my own funds. Or will most clients only agree to pay after the job is complete?


- About how often will I receive installation jobs for clients? Yes, I know, this is a very difficult question to answer. I'm just looking for a very general idea of what I should expect. A few a week, a few a month, a few a year? As with any business starting out, I know at first it will probably be quite slow, and pick up as my name gets out there. I am located in between two fairly large cities (one with a high crime rate but low income, and one with a low crime rate but high income).


- What kind of profit margin should I expect? When I first started doing my research, I was expecting around $300-500 total profit on an average 4 camera system. But after doing research, it seems a lot of people are actually earning $500+ profit per camera - so a 4 camera system would earn around $2,000 total profit. Is that true? That's much more than I was expecting, but I won't complain if that truly is the average profit


- Do you have any advice/recommendations for me? What kind of problems did you run into when you started out? Anything you can tell me would be helpful, no matter how small. I would REALLY appreciate it.


Thank you in advance!


Asking the customer to pay up front for what should be a turnkey install seems like a bad move, particularly if you dont know the person/company. There are certainly instances where this may not apply like a long term multiple phase project. You might as well have the customer buy the parts and you just sell your labor.


How much profit margin also depends on things that dont have to do with a scale of a job. I did a repair today that took less than an hour, I charged $100 for and had $5 worth of material to do it. How much profit did I make? Well after opportunity costs, taxes, rent, employees, electrical, water, gas, other gas, insurance, other insurance, loan, phone, advertising, dumpster, warranty work, internet... I am not talking about any expenses at home here either.


Advice? Dont quit your day job just yet.

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Remember the old joke:


How do you make a small fortune in the security cam biz?


Start with a large fortune!

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I think bigglebowski's advice is spot on "Don't give up your day job" !!!


Specialising on IP is a bad move, you need to grow your customer base and this means giving them what they want, even if this means analogue. Most of my work is based on recommendation from existing clients, believe me Cold Calling is going to wear out your shoes pretty quickly and CCTV is usually a 'grudge buy' people only want it after they have had an incident.


$500 dollars per camera profit, Dam, I moving to the USA! With some High end branded cameras you only get 15% off the Recommended Retail Price, even if you are an Authorised Partner and believe me customers do their research on prices, it's hard out there!


Build a relationship with a couple of suppliers, you'll find they are very helpful if you run into problems and some even pass you work.


I only ask for 50% deposit if the installation is over £5000, I've never taken a hit from customer refusing to pay and I've been installing for nearly 30 years!


Don't just stick to CCTV, there's Alarm Systems and also Home Automation is becoming more popular.


The Security industry is changing right before our eyes and you have to think ahead, there will be a time when all cameras will be plug and play and Old Dinosuars like me (I'm only 47) won't be required!


Good Luck.

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Yeah, I definitely do not plan on quitting my day job anytime soon. I know it will start out slowly. Hopefully it starts to pick up over time.


I don't necessarily plan on specializing in IP systems. I will also install analog systems if that's what the client wants. But I will try to (gently) push the client towards an IP system, if they can afford it. I consider analog systems outdated technology; and I will explain that to the client. If I were to put myself in the client's shoes, and the installer showed me the difference between an analog camera and a 1.3MP camera, I would definitely choose to have the 1.3MP cameras installed (as long as there wasn't an enormous price difference). I predict that 9 out of 10 clients that want a surveillance system for a residential home will know next to nothing about surveillance. So if I explain the advantages of IP over analog, I think some of them will choose to pay extra for IP. But then again, I know many people just want a decent surveillance system for the lowest price possible - which will be analog.


I think I will (try to) charge a 50% deposit on all installations. If a client throws a fit, I'll just make an exception for them.


I would really like to get into the alarm system and home automation business, but unfortunately 7 years of experience is needed before one can get a license in my state. Fortunately, CCTV installation doesn't require a license in my state.


I guess the only way to answer any of my questions is to just find out by trying it myself. I really appreciate everybody's input though. If anybody has anything else to add, I'm interested in what you have to say.

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If I were put myself in the client's shoes, and the installer showed me the difference between an analog camera and a 1.3MP camera, I would definitely choose to have the 1.3MP cameras installed (as long as there wasn't an enormous price difference).


Curious what the analog and IP camera brand/models of OUTDOOR cameras you would be using in this scenario considering your statement in the last part of the sentence. Also would not be a fair comparison unless the demo showed night and day lighting.

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If I were put myself in the client's shoes, and the installer showed me the difference between an analog camera and a 1.3MP camera, I would definitely choose to have the 1.3MP cameras installed (as long as there wasn't an enormous price difference).


Curious what the analog and IP camera brand/models of OUTDOOR cameras you would be using in this scenario considering your statement in the last part of the sentence. Also would not be a fair comparison unless the demo showed night and day lighting.


I'll give an example.

A typical 4 camera analog system will cost around $300-400 (not including installation) for a decent outdoor setup. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive - but that is the price for an all-around decent analog setup.


Now for a decent outdoor IP setup, I really like the Q-see (Dahua) 4ch 1.3MP system. It's definitely not the BEST system out there, but in my opinion it is very good - especially for the money. I have installed this system twice; for a relative and a neighbor. They were both VERY happy with the overall setup & price. My neighbor has had the system installed for about five months. Right now it is 15 degrees (F) outside - no issues. In fact, last night we were just hit with "snow storm Nemo" - they never stopped working. However, the night picture is not the greatest. The IR illumination does not cast very far on these cameras. My neighbor wanted to be able to see most of his back yard at night. So I added an external IR illuminator ($50) for the camera in the back yard. It has the power to light up his entire back yard. The total setup cost less than $800.


In my opinion, the IP system is WELL worth the extra $400-500. Four times the quality for twice the price. Now, if the client wants more than 4 cameras, then that setup is not an option. It will start to become much more expensive for an IP setup.

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A typical 4 camera analog system will cost around $300-400 (not including installation) for a decent outdoor setup. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive - but that is the price for an all-around decent analog setup.



I plan on focusing mostly on residential homes, but will also do small businesses



100s try to start a cctv buisness every year and close within 6 months.


you will have a problem selling $300 systems .......as they have faults or just dont work. and as you as installer those problems for first 12 months are yours.


you cant make money installing cheap systems



buying systems from costco also will not make your money ......if they know costco price there not going to pay more

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So you are going to install a system that costs you less than $1000 and need a 50% deposit?


I agree with tomcctv, it is just a bad idea to professionally install a DIY system. Buy your stuff from somewhere that at least sells low voltage products, even if CCTV is not their primary business. I would hate to have a customer shopping for a giant bag of cat food walk by a shelf and notice the same system they had professionally installed.


Is anybody out there installing Dahua professionally?

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A typical 4 camera analog system will cost around $300-400 (not including installation) for a decent outdoor setup. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive - but that is the price for an all-around decent analog setup.



I plan on focusing mostly on residential homes, but will also do small businesses



100s try to start a cctv buisness every year and close within 6 months.


you will have a problem selling $300 systems .......as they have faults or just dont work. and as you as installer those problems for first 12 months are yours.


you cant make money installing cheap systems



buying systems from costco also will not make your money ......if they know costco price there not going to pay more


I totally agree with you. Cheap systems are not the way to go. I will explain that to my clients. I will only install systems that I have experience with (or have read A LOT about), and that I know are reliable. The last thing I want to do is install a bottom-dollar system and have to revisit the location to fix problems on a regular basis.


However, I don't completely agree with you about not being able to make money installing systems from somewhere like Costco (or anywhere that has prices to camera systems available to the public). I'm not selling camera systems, I'm selling the installation of camera systems. Yes, I'll be the one purchasing the system, but that's not what I'll be making a profit on. Just like a mechanic - they purchase the car parts needed, but they really only make a profit on the installation. People will pay a professional to perform a task that they do not have the knowledge/time/ability/tools to perform themselves. I personally have never paid a mechanic a dime in my entire life - because I have the knowledge/time/ability/tools to do it myself. However, I know MANY people that won't even attempt to repair a vehicle when something breaks - they go straight to a mechanic - and they pay an arm and a leg for it. I know a camera installer and a mechanic are two entirely different professions, but it's the same principle.

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So you are going to install a system that costs you less than $1000 and need a 50% deposit?


I agree with tomcctv, it is just a bad idea to professionally install a DIY system. Buy your stuff from somewhere that at least sells low voltage products, even if CCTV is not their primary business. I would hate to have a customer shopping for a giant bag of cat food walk by a shelf and notice the same system they had professionally installed.


Is anybody out there installing Dahua professionally?


I'm not quite sure why it would be too much of an issue if a client walked by and saw the camera system that they had installed sitting on the shelf. Just because it's for sale on a shelf, doesn't mean it's poor quality. Like the example I mentioned in my last post about the mechanic - if I'm walking through AutoZone (a car parts store in the USA), and I see a part on the shelf that the mechanic just installed in my car... I'm not going to think "wow, that must be junk". Although maybe I'm wrong. You probably have more experience than me on this subject.


Also, I should mention, I do not plan on only installing pre-packaged systems. I have the knowledge to design a system completely from scratch. But since I plan on starting out with mostly residential homes (compared to businesses), most clients will not be able to afford $4,000+ for a surveillance system. But if they are able to afford that, excellent.

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Like the example I mentioned in my last post about the mechanic - if I'm walking through AutoZone (a car parts store in the USA), and I see a part on the shelf that the mechanic just installed in my car... I'm not going to think "wow, that must be junk". Although maybe I'm wrong.


The difference is a proper professional mechanic for the most part WOULD say you are wrong. A lot of the stuff sold in autozone, advanced auto and such are the Dahua equivalent chinese type parts. Not saying they dont sell brand name proper stuff but this is where you go for cheap chinese $30 rotors when proper ones cost more than double that. Not trying to beat you up here but it might be hard to build your business if you start out all wrong.


It is hard to fathom but there will be times where NOT selling a system to somebody will be the best move.

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I guess AutoZone wasn't a very good example since they're known for selling a lot of cheap junk in stores. But, I have experience with this particular Q-see product - and I consider it to be good quality & reliable, especially for the price. I understand what you're trying to say though - a lot of the systems at places like Costco are junk (almost all of them actually). In fact, the only system I consider decent quality from Costco is the Q-see 4ch IP setup. They had a Swann 1080p HD-SDI setup that was very nice too, but it's no longer available. But again, I don't plan on dealing with only pre-packaged systems. I just have a feeling that's all most residential clients will be able to afford/want/need. If I do install a pre-packaged system, it will ONLY be a system that I know is reliable.


And I know you're not trying to beat me up, I appreciate your help.


"It is hard to fathom but there will be times where NOT selling a system to somebody will be the best move."

Not sure what you mean by that though? Can you explain? Do you mean it may not be worth the headache to deal with certain clients/installs?

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I guess AutoZone wasn't a very good example since they're known for selling a lot of cheap junk in stores.





"It is hard to fathom but there will be times where NOT selling a system to somebody will be the best move."

Not sure what you mean by that though? Can you explain? Do you mean it may not be worth the headache to deal with certain clients/installs?


My point was your Autozone analogy was a great example in this case...


The other point you quoted was sort of what you said. A customer has lots of expectations and no budget and think that because a pro installs a wholesale club system that by some kind of magic it will work out great. What I am saying is that you make $1000 off a small install but then cost yourself $2000+ of your time constantly fixing it. With each site visit the confidence of your customer diminishes more and more. I have not touched a Dahua product, but I seriously think that this is exactly what will happen if I installed it for a client.


I would be interested to see if other integrators/installers disagree with my assessment.

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It is extremely hard to make good money installing CCTV for residential customers. Most want cheap gear and don't want to pay what it cost to install equipment properly. To succeed in the residential market you need to do volume. FYI I started installing voice/data, audio/video, security, Home theater and automation 14 years ago. Since I started by own business in 07 I have ZERO interest doing any install work for residential customers.

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Yeah, I kind of figured residential clients will be a pain to work with. They want top dollar systems for bottom dollar prices. I plan on showing them exactly what they will get BEFORE I install anything - the physical cameras themselves, the resolution of the cameras (both day and night), the possible functions, etc. That way, hopefully they won't have any expectations that weren't met. I'd much rather have the client tell me they don't want the system because it doesn't meet their expectations BEFORE I install it. I'd rather walk away with no sale at all than walk away with an unsatisfied client.


I would focus mostly on businesses, but I think residential homes will be a better starting point. A business usually has very specific requirements, and if those requirements aren't met it could mean a substantial loss to the business (for example, theft). Residential clients will most likely just say "I want to monitor this area here, here, here and here". Plus I will be doing this by myself (for now).

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To me the other part is support after the install- not just installing systems. Do you know how to diagnose every problem that could come up with every camera you install? Every dvr or nvr? Are you very proficient with networking, including figuring out every oddball setup a customer could have, including all modems and routers? When the customer tries to port forward a game boy or network storage device and messes up the whole network and the cameras disappear remotely, can you diagnose what went wrong and how to get it all working right again? Are you well versed in every type of connector and cable- not only how they work, but how they can be diagnosed for repair? Willing to put up with customers taking matters into their own hands and installing stuff or tweaking stuff on their own, possibly hosing your work? Are you a qualified carpenter, to assure the customer won't end up with a broken pipe, lost electricity, or a leaky hole in the wall from your cable runs? Do you know how to deal with every type of wall and ceiling construction?


CCTV in itself is finicky equipment. Then add weather to the mix, battering it. Then add the customer to the mix, screwing with it. You could be more busy with warranty work on the cuff then making money installing. Just because you did a couple of small potato installs that are working fine does not make you a qualified installer. Add volume to that and after each storm you could be chasing your tail fixing things for free warranty work endlessly. And that includes BUSINESSES as well. They are just as demanding and pissy and dumb with their equipment as residential and they often have a lot more intricate, expensive installs- especially on the network side. And they will hold your feet to the fire when something surely fails in the system.


I'm not an installer. I'm just a guy who is looking after my own system at home, thankfully problem free, and one at work where things seem to often be plagued with gremlins- inexplicably. I wouldn't do installs as a business for all the tea in china. The gear and the customer make it too problematic. But if you can say 'yeah no problem' to all the things I mention- start yourself a business and have it at it. Good luck to you.

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We don't do many physical installations and mostly do hardware sales and remote support. I second that commercial is the way to go.


The best advice I can give is make sure you are well funded, and have a solid business plan that shows when your planned break even point is. The hard part with CCTV just like any business is not the technical parts that matter, but the business aspect. This is why many restaurants with great food go under, they know how to cook but not run the business.


You will spend more time doing marketing, customer relationship building, quoting, and accounting then you probably will with actual installation.


The next hard part if you get there is when you get more business then you can handle. What do you do? Do you take a risk and hire an employee? What if the work gets slow again and they leave to find somewhere else to work thats more steady? Or do you work 70-80 hours a week to try and keep up?


My suggestion is go find an installer in cctv or a low voltage area, work for them or partner to do cctv installs and learn the ins and outs. You can then find if this is something you really want to do long term.


Just my 2 cents.

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To me the other part is support after the install- not just installing systems. Do you know how to diagnose every problem that could come up with every camera you install? Every dvr or nvr? Are you very proficient with networking, including figuring out every oddball setup a customer could have, including all modems and routers? When the customer tries to port forward a game boy or network storage device and messes up the whole network and the cameras disappear remotely, can you diagnose what went wrong and how to get it all working right again? Are you well versed in every type of connector and cable- not only how they work, but how they can be diagnosed for repair? Willing to put up with customers taking matters into their own hands and installing stuff or tweaking stuff on their own, possibly hosing your work? Are you a qualified carpenter, to assure the customer won't end up with a broken pipe, lost electricity, or a leaky hole in the wall from your cable runs? Do you know how to deal with every type of wall and ceiling construction?

I can honestly say the answer to each one of those questions is yes. I have a bachelors degree in Computer Security & Networking, and I have worked as a carpenter for a few years. I also consider myself to be very good at dealing with people. That's why I think this is perfect for me.

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The next hard part if you get there is when you get more business then you can handle. What do you do? Do you take a risk and hire an employee? What if the work gets slow again and they leave to find somewhere else to work thats more steady? Or do you work 70-80 hours a week to try and keep up?


My suggestion is go find an installer in cctv or a low voltage area, work for them or partner to do cctv installs and learn the ins and outs. You can then find if this is something you really want to do long term.

That's one thing I haven't figured out yet. If business does pick up to the point where I cannot handle it all by myself (and I would love for that to happen), it won't be easy to find somebody that has the qualifications needed to be good at installing cameras. I have a feeling I will have to train somebody for quite a while, and then when they finally go out on their own - they will have a problem and have to call me to come take care of it. Kind of defeats the purpose of having an employee if I have to go to the job site anyway. So that may be an issue.


I tried to find an installer in my area that I could work for. I wasn't able to find any installers nearby, besides individuals working out of the trunk of their car. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

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We install systems as a small part of our business..and while I'd love to only install quality systems like VideoIQ, Axis, and others, being a small player and by default catering to small businesses whose determining factor is price, it's a no-go. We do install a good bit of Dahua IP cameras simply because we can offer it at a price comparable to standard definition, and I'd take Dahua IP over analog any day (aside from some low light situations). We've had these systems deployed for about a year so far, with no notable issues yet .


That said, on our covert systems that we use for higher end applications, we don't use any Dahua...just VideoIQ, Panasonic, Axis, etc.

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Where do you live where you think there isn't an abundance of trunk slammer companies already?


I think you are probably wrong on the fact there is no competition in the area.

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